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All about the NEXUS cards

We are writers. And as such we love to write every day about popular topics related to both the tourism and the ways of movements in generally. If you follow our publications and read our articles with most interest, probably you have noted that everything we write about is dedicated to how to travel better and how to avoid some unpleasant situations along your way. Many often you can face really disturbing moments, but why you have to experience all that? We are here to guide in the world of journeys, so stay here and learn how to have the perfect travel and vacation as well!

This time we would like to start with one of the most amazing destinations ever – Canada. But except Canada, there is another country you definitely must visit – the U.S.! As you know, both countries are located next to each other, so it will be pity if you miss the chance to experience an unforgettable Canadian – American holiday.

Okay, since we already have determined the destination, it is time to say something more about how you can move faster and is there actually some way to do that. Yes, there is. If you are not citizen of Canada or the U.S. surely you do not know it, but if you are, we are 100 % convinced that you have heard about the NEXUS cards! They are an US-Canadian pass and mainly are used by the travelers who do not want to wait too long on the borders, on the lines and in front of the kiosks for a customs checks too. All the traveling parents need more than everything those cards, because for the people with small kids (and not only) the fastness and the efficiency when traveling are probably the most important part of every travel!


But how to get such a card? Are there some special requirements that we have to meet or actually it is quite enough just to apply for getting an approval? Why the NEXUS program is different than the other programs and how to become a member there?

Today we are going to answer these questions, as in addition we will also tell you how to renew your NEXUS cards when it is already time for this. Stay here!

To online apply NEXUS is something very easy and fast to perform. You have just to fill-in the application form, to send it by email (the second step), to pay the fee (the third step) and to wait for approval. Meanwhile, you can start planning your next trip to Canada or America, as the only thing that will be changed is the speed with which you cross the border!

So, in generally you have two options: the NEXUS family package and the individual application form. Depending to your status or needs, you can choose which variant is for you. If you want to apply for the whole family because you often travel with your beloved ones, of course you have to download the family application form and fill it in. The other option is clear. The choice is yours :).

The best thing of the NEXUS program is that it offers a good value for money. You won’t have to pay too much to travel as a holder of a NEXUS card, but in the same time the benefits are numerous. Every travel to Canada or the U.S. will be a long awaited event for you, as all the worries that you had before when it comes to crossing the borders will stay away in the past! Have in mind that you should not have a criminal record but must to be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada at least for 3 years.

Just like your home, car or collection of clothes, the NEXUS card must be renewed at some point. There is nothing eternal, so note that every five years you have to issue a new NEXUS card that to use another 5 years. That is in case you want to continue being a member of the amazing NEXUS program… If you do not want, just keep traveling as before – slow and not as pleasant as when traveling with the NEXUS program!

Steps when applying for renewal are the same. There is no point we to repeat over and over again what you have to do, but here we would like to note that your personal data will be carefully compared to the old one provided and if there are data discrepancies, you will have to give an actual information.

renew your nexus

We highly recommend you to Renew your NEXUS card and your membership in the NEXUS program. – Especially if you often hit the road with your family and kids. Probably you are used to travel fast and think that it is not a big deal if you have no NEXUS card. But you are wrong. In fact, it is a big deal if you cross the borders without your NEXUS card. Do not think that all the people who are not members of this trusted program have the same chance that you have. They must wait for hours in front of the kiosks and definitely are not the first ones who pass the customs check. They have no other chance but to wait, so just renew your membership and be always first for a customs check!

We always used to say that every of us have many opportunities when it comes to travel. Some of us take advantages of them, but others prefer to use the old methods. Be creative, be smart and resourceful. Always look for non-standard ways that will provide you with a real pleasure along your way. Forget about the waiting because when traveling we have only to enjoy our trip, not to wait. Leave the frustrating moments behind and start enjoying the moments with your beloved ones! The NEXUS program will help you do this…

And finally, we would like to tell you that you have to feel free to contact us whenever you need. Good luck!
